Firstname Lastname

About me

There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. Be fucking impossible to ignore. Stand so tall that they can’t look past you. Be fucking bold. Greatness isn’t the height of your stature, it’s the heft of your spirit. Creativity is a fucking work-ethic. Widows and orphans are terrible fucking tragedies, both in real life and definitely in typography.

Be fucking bold. Greatness isn’t the height of your stature, it’s the heft of your spirit. Be fucking bold. Greatness isn’t the height of your stature, it’s the heft of your spirit. Don’t worry about what other people fucking think. Be fucking impossible to ignore. Stand so tall that they can’t look past you. Design is all about fucking relationships—the relationship of form and content, the relationship of elements, the relationship of designer and user. You need to sit down and sketch more fucking ideas because stalking your ex on facebook isn’t going to get you anywhere. Don’t fucking censor yourself. Sterility leads to susceptibility.

Don’t fucking lie to yourself. There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. Make your work consistent but not fucking predictable. Why are you reading all of this? Get back to work. Paul Rand once said, “The public is more familiar with bad fucking design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.”

Profile Picture of Firstname Lastname


Small picture of Project 1

Project Tokyo

Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Someday is not a fucking day of the week. Learn from fucking criticism. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work. You must overcome yourself. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work.

Small picture of Project 2

Project Budapest

Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Someday is not a fucking day of the week. Learn from fucking criticism. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work. You must overcome yourself. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work.

Small picture of Project 3

Project San Francisco

Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Someday is not a fucking day of the week. Learn from fucking criticism. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work. You must overcome yourself. When you sit down to work, external critics aren’t the enemy. It’s you who you must to fight against to do great fucking work.



Have an interesting project? span would love to hear about it!